1.seem to do sth.用法总结
I seem to have caught a cold. 我好像患了感冒。
Our team seems to win. 我们的球队好像要赢。
He seems very happy. 他看上去很高兴。
Do whatever seems best. 只要觉得是最好的就去做。
It seems to me the best solution. 对我来说似乎是最好的解决方法。
3.It seems that从句,该句型可与“sb. seems to do sth.”句型相互转换。如:
It seems (to me) that she’s right.=She seems (to me) to be right.
It seems that they know what they’re doing.=They seem to know what they’re doing. 他们好像明白他们做的事。
4.It seems like+名词用法总结
It seems like a disaster at the time. 在当时,那就像一场灾难。
5.It seems(ed) as if/as though从句
It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来要下雨了。
It seems as though they would fight in the end.
6.There seems to do sth.用法总结
There seems no need to go now. 现在没有去的必要。
There doesn’t seem to be much hope of our beating that team.
误:It was seeming to rain at that moment.
正:It seemed to rain at that moment. 当时似乎要下雨。
误:It is seemed that nobody knew what had happened.
正:It seems that nobody knew what had happened.
关键词: seemto
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